Upcoming updates

Hi, i am the found of Heart clash and I want to share some upcoming updates and plans for the future. Thank you for your comments and addressing stuff that can be improved in the game. I am remaking the entire game with a new system that is more easier for me to work with and create new content.

Things i have fixed or improved in the upcoming update

  1. Shooting - better shooting  close to the original megaman shooting feel.
  2. Room and Door transition - Felt a bit sloppy at times, now looks almost perfect.
  3. Wall sling/cling  is now easier to cancel
  4. And a lot more minor improvements to the player movement and jump, and also enemies, and bosses.

There will be a new level design with new enemies, traps, and boss. Still work in progress, and I am working hard on it. I think i may take out noire’s level (2nd level) because the level art need some major redesigning.

If theres anything you would like to add, let me know. Thanks for your support!

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